Friday, December 7, 2007

Mitt Romneys "The Mormon Factor" Speech

I never thought a Mormon could win the Presidency, but after reading Hugh Hewitt's book "A Mormon in the White House?" I started to believe there was a chance. Mitt Romney was a clear choice to run the country.

Listening to Talk Radio, many prominent thinkers believed that Romney can, and may, win. While Romney was placing fifth in national polls, he was leading early polls in Iowa, New Hampshire, and Michigan. Still, many asked Romney if he was worried about Giuliani's national polling numbers, and why he has spent so much money in Iowa. Mitt answered, "I have a plan to win."

The point is, Romney understands a concept that many in Politics seem to have lost -- you don't win by losing. Running his campaign like one of his successful companies, Mitt understands you don't win the War onTerror with a strategy of defeat. And you don't win the Presidency by losing early primaries. Using a football analogy, Giuliani keeps gaining yardage, but Mitt is focused on touchdowns and field goals, that actually lead to winning games. Watching Mitt work his magic on his campaign, I believe he would win the Republican nomination for the Presidency.

That is when the ABAM (Anyone But A Mormon) candidate Mike Huckabee surged. Many might have a problem with my characterization of Huckabee as an ABAM candidate. I believe if Mitt Romney was a former Baptist Minister, and not a former Mormon Bishop and Stake President, MittRomney would be leading the National polls, and not just many early primaries. I would point to the term "Huckabee Surge" as proof. Where was the "Romney Surge"? Somehow Mitt has been leading many early primaries without a popular surge in the media. Where was the "Romney Surge"? When Romney moved past Giuliani, with very little national poll ranking, it was ignored. Instead Mitt kept getting questions about his Mormon faith. Where was the "Romney Surge"? If Huck had to answer questions about the Nicene Creed, Who was Christ speaking to while on the cross? and what was the Baptist Church's role with the south supporting slavery? Huck would not be in a "Surge". Like Mitt, I am sureHuckabee would have great answers to all these questions. My point is this, if Huckabee was asked these questions daily, there would have been no"Huckabee Surge".
Now with the news media loving the ABAM surge, Romney gave the speech of his life. It was the greatest speech I have heard in politics on religion. I had thought Romney should not give this speech. If the issue is always his Mormon religion, he loses! Romney said in his speech " I am a American running for President, not a Mormon running for President". Now that "The Mormon Factor" speech is over, will the news media focus on the issues of this American's Candidacy, or will this speech focus the discussion on this Mormon's run for the Presidency. The news media had asked for "The Speech". I hope they can understand the words and meaning of it, and begin to interview this Candidate as an American.



Kimberly said...

Your blog looks terrific! Go Mitt!!

Diane said...

I had no idea you had started a blog! You know...Dad was interviewed the other night for the 10:00 news on the Mitt Ronmey speech. The only part of the interview ending up airing had to do with discrimination and a study done at Vanderbilt University about how Mormons are discriminated against. Mitt did a great job!! I think every candidate should have to go under the public microscope and declair his personal beliefs. Actually, Mitt Romney did it exactly how it should have been done. He looked presidential! Hope the American people use their heads this election!